8 year old M/N DSH with history of being
reasonably nice but potentially quite reactive when stressed. He was given
0.040 mg/kg buprenorphine, 0.2 mg/kg midazolam, and 0.008 mg/kg
medetomidine combined in one syringe, given IM in the epaxial muscle
group. Due to extensive FORL related disease he had 14 surgical
extractions performed (9 major teeth). Local blocks (lidocaine/bupivacaine/morphine)
were placed. In the postop video he is, in fact, rubbing against the cage
door and purring.
SAPs ranged from 110 to 140 mmHg (Doppler) with heart rate range from
100 to 115 BPM. ETCO2 range: 38 to 52 mmHg. Recovery was smooth an
uneventful. Postop temperature after the 3 hour event was 98.0 F. |